Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Summer Yoga

 Summer Yoga and Mindfulness Classes

Is your child struggling with anxiety, having trouble falling asleep or working on managing their emotions?   Is your 5th grader worried about the transition to middle school? Then this may be helpful. Marci Speich, a Stephens Elementary School’s  teacher, is going to offer summer yoga and mindfulness classes for kids on Tuesdays from 5-6 pm at the Quarry Arts Building (next to Whole Foods on University Ave).  4 sessions for $100 for one child and $75 for each additional sibling. Please let her know if the price is prohibitive and she will make it work for your family.  Scholarships are available.  This is NOT a school sponsored event. 

Grades 1-3 will meet every other week Tuesdays 5:00-6:00 pm:

June 13

June 27

July 11

July 25

Grades 4-6 will meet each week Tuesdays 5:00-6:00 pm:

August 1

August 8

August 15

August 22

Email me any questions backyardyoga@gmail.com and to register. Please share this information with friends and neighbors!  

Thank you,

💚Marci  Speich🌷

Marcella Speich


Backyard Yoga

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